- Load your data. The program can read excel, ascii, and matlab files. Column headers can be included in the files. Use "load X=Y" if both X-data (design) and Y-data (responses) are on the same file.
- Choose "Columns" for X and Y.
- Use "Covariates" to specify continuous design variables.
- Choose "Model".
- Choose an ANOVA/regression model (similar to the univariate modelling).
- Press "Run".
- The output is similar to an ANOVA table.
- exVarSS = explained variances based on sums of squares.
- p-values = the results from 50-50 MANOVA testing.
- Press "Graphs" to see various plots.
- Press "Rotation Tests" to calculate adjusted p-values.
- pRaw = ordinary univariate p-values from t-tests or F-tests.
- pAdjFDR = adjusted p-values according to false discovery rates.
- p99999 = adjusted p-values according to the familywise error rate (FWE).