- Load your data. The program can read excel, ascii, and matlab files. Column headers can be included in the files. Use "load X=Y" if both X-data (design) and Y-data (responses) are on the same file.
- Choose "Columns" for X and Y.
- Use "Covariates" to specify continuous design variables.
- Choose "Model".
- Choose an ANOVA/regression model (similar to the univariate modelling).
- Press "Run".
- The output is similar to an ANOVA table.
- exVarSS = explained variances based on sums of squares.
- p-values = the results from 50-50 MANOVA testing.
- Press "Graphs" to see various plots.
- Press "Rotation Tests" to calculate adjusted p-values.
- pRaw = ordinary univariate p-values from t-tests or F-tests.
- pAdjFDR = adjusted p-values according to false discovery rates.
- p99999 = adjusted p-values according to the familywise error rate (FWE).
This program allows the user to take an Excel spreadsheet with any type of data.
It enables users to perform various test with their Humboldt testing equipment.